Psychophysiological Factors Analysis in Unpressurized Aircraft Cabins


Psychophysiological Factor Analysis in Unpressurized Aircraft Cabins

(Conference Proceeding)

Conference: 11th Annual Transports Study Group Conference
Year: 2014
Location: Covilhã, Portugal


In the versatile aviation environment, the pilot’s well-being is a crucial and demanding factor which is directly related to his good performance. Due to the unpressurized and unacclimatized aircraft cabin, light aviation pilots are exposed to many different environmental situations.

Experimental tests were performed, in different scenarios, in order to evaluate physiological reactions, as stress, combined with the flight conditions, as altitude, and how it can highly influence or even compromise the pilot’s response.

The acquisition of flight and physiological data from the aircraft and the pilot, monitoring parameters defined as potential to establish physiological boundaries of each pilot, shows that the stress level can influence the pilot psychophysiological response and, consequently, his performance.


First Author

Ana Coelho
Ana Coelho
Sara Zorro
Sara Zorro
Luis Patrão
Luis Patrão
Jorge Silva
Jorge Silva

Psychophysiological Factor Analysis in Unpressurized Aircraft Cabins

(Comunicação em Conferência)

Conferência: 11th Annual Transports Study Group Conference
Ano: 2014
Localização: Covilhã, Portugal


In the versatile aviation environment, the pilot’s well-being is a crucial and demanding factor which is directly related to his good performance. Due to the unpressurized and unacclimatized aircraft cabin, light aviation pilots are exposed to many different environmental situations.

Experimental tests were performed, in different scenarios, in order to evaluate physiological reactions, as stress, combined with the flight conditions, as altitude, and how it can highly influence or even compromise the pilot’s response.

The acquisition of flight and physiological data from the aircraft and the pilot, monitoring parameters defined as potential to establish physiological boundaries of each pilot, shows that the stress level can influence the pilot psychophysiological response and, consequently, his performance.


Primeiro Autor

Ana Coelho
Ana Coelho
Sara Zorro
Sara Zorro
Luis Patrão
Luis Patrão
Jorge Silva
Jorge Silva

Psychophysiological Factor Analysis in Unpressurized Aircraft Cabins

(Comunicação em Conferência)

Conferência: 11th Annual Transports Study Group Conference
Ano: 2014
Localização: Covilhã, Portugal


In the versatile aviation environment, the pilot’s well-being is a crucial and demanding factor which is directly related to his good performance. Due to the unpressurized and unacclimatized aircraft cabin, light aviation pilots are exposed to many different environmental situations.

Experimental tests were performed, in different scenarios, in order to evaluate physiological reactions, as stress, combined with the flight conditions, as altitude, and how it can highly influence or even compromise the pilot’s response.

The acquisition of flight and physiological data from the aircraft and the pilot, monitoring parameters defined as potential to establish physiological boundaries of each pilot, shows that the stress level can influence the pilot psychophysiological response and, consequently, his performance.


Primeiro Autor

Ana Coelho
Ana Coelho
Sara Zorro
Sara Zorro
Luis Patrão
Luis Patrão
Jorge Silva
Jorge Silva